Some WoW Macros

So I go to the CL, and I play wow, but none of the computers have the macros I use at home. Here they are so I can copy and paste them when I'm there (you may use them to):

Feral DPS Macros:

This is a cast sequence for when your all ready in combat, and aggro an additional target

/castsequence reset=combat/target Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Maim, Shred, Mangle (Cat)()

Sequence for stealthing, pouncing, and maiming, with mangles shoved in between

/castsequence [nostealth, nocombat]!Prowl; [stealth] Pounce; reset=25/combat/target Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Shred, Maim, Shred, Mangle (Cat)(), Mangle (Cat)()

This is for dps when you can be behind the target at all times (in instance/raid)

/castsequence [nostealth, nocombat]!Prowl; [stealth] Pounce; reset=25/combat/target Faerie Fire (Feral)(), Mangle (Cat)(), Shred, Shred, Rip, Mangle (Cat)(), Shred, Shred, Mangle (Cat)(), Rip

Paladin Macros:

This is a bubble macro for when you get feared

/cast divine shield
/cancelaura divine shield

A taunt macro for righteous defense

#showtooltip Righteous Defense
/cast [help] Righteous Defense; [target=targettarget,help] Righteous Defense

A mouse-over cleanse macro

/cast [target=mouseover] Cleanse

A cool macro for calculating avoidance

/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combined avoidance. Currently at:",0.8,0.8,1)
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance() + GetParryChance() +5+(GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL) + 20)*0.04,1,0.5,0)

That's all for now I'll catch you l8r noobs.